PATT Forest School is open to children and young people from early years through to post 16. We hope to awaken the imagination through fun, creative activities and workshops in our outdoor space.
At PATT Forest School Hub based at Preston, East Riding of Yorkshire, we are lucky to have a wild space where students can be safe but experience risks and challenges such as den building, fire making and using tools. PATT Forest School Hub also enjoys having a large indoor and outdoor growing space where students can learn to grow their own produce and learn the process from seed to table.
A broad spectrum of activities offer a bespoke learning package which differs to the average classroom based learning.
PATT Forest School Hub will be working on projects from a wildlife garden to explore and be amongst, a sensory garden where fresh aromatic plants can be picked, dried and used for aromatherapy workshops, an allotment plot plus greenhouse space, ponds for dipping and finding a sense for adventure through our outdoor 'bush craft' activities. Young people can enrol on NOCN accredited qualification portfolio, gaining pride in their achievements as they learn.
Our team bring a wealth of experience to PATT Forest School Hub, from therapeutic and outdoor skills, to a nurturing approach with the student at the core of our focus. We hope to build on confidence and resilience, allowing the free child to take centre stage and build in self-belief.