Double your donations thanks to Aviva Community Fund

May 14, 2024

PATT Foundation is creating a new gardening club that will benefit the community by creating a space in our Preston site where people can come together to learn new skills.  You can support us by donating to this project and until noon on April 18th, Aviva Community Fund will double your donation, up to the value of £250.

We want this to be a collaborative effort between residents, community organisations and businesses, creating a project that will support those who are socially isolated or want to volunteer to learn new skills and to look at ways to navigate the cost of living crisis.  The skills they learn will enable them to grow their own produce at home.

We anticipate growing more produce than needed which will enable us to supply local foodbanks with fresh vegetables and produce which is often not available.  We’ll also be growing plants and flowers for sale, looking at how the gardening club can go on to be self sustaining by selling some produce in order to generate income.

The funds we raise will go directly towards supporting this group.  You’ll be funding compost, gardening equipment, seeds and more.

To donate, visit: PATT Foundation Gardening Club – a Environment crowdfunding project in Hull by Ann Newlove (

Get in touch

C/O Dutton Moore Aldgate House, 1-4 Market Place, Hull, England, HU1 1RS


[email protected]

01482 276 701

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About us

The Plant A Tree Today (PATT) Foundation is a UK Registered Charity established in 2005. We are a passionate and dedicated organisation and with your support we take action against climate change by planting native trees, reforesting areas which have been destroyed through illegal logging, development and agriculture.

Copyright © 2023 – PATT Foundation All Right Reserved.
Registered Charity Commission no.1117158

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